Iglika Zabunova is an architect with 18 years of experience. She obtained her degree (MASTER OF SCIENCE) in 1998 at the University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy, Sofia, Bulgaria (http://uacg.bg). She started working on projects before graduation and later established DOT LINE ltd. During her practice she have been working independently as well as in various teams.
DOT LINE (www.dotlinearchitecture.com) is active in designing residential, industrial and public buildings and interiors for Bulgaria and abroad. Some of DOT LINE projects cover all phases – from feasibility studies to employment details and specifications. Other projects concern the implementation of working architectural and construction drawings for the production of among others architectural elements and facades.
The team of DOT LINE consists of architects and engineers of various age. It have gathered the “enthusiasm of youth” and the “wisdom of the years” that enables it enjoy the well done job.